Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Math 7A: Today we talked about parallel and perpendicular lines, then angle bisectors and perpendicular line bisectors. We then began working on graphing and transformations. Please have 8.5 completed and 8.6 started for next class.

Math 9A & 9B: We wrote the Unit 9 Test today. This test will replace your lowest mark from the year, and if the Unit 9 Test is your lowest, that one will be excused.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday, June 17, 2024

Math 7A: No class today due to the pancake breakfast.

Math 7G: Today we talked about parallel and perpendicular lines, then angle bisectors and perpendicular line bisectors. We then began working graphing and transformations. Please have 8.5 completed and 8.6 started for next class on Wednesday.

Math 9B: The Unit 9 Test will be on Tuesday. This test will replace your lowest mark from the year, and if the Unit 9 Test is your lowest, that one will be excused.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Math 7A & 7G: We will finish the Unit 7 Test will be on Friday.

Math 9A & 9B: We will continue/begin Unit 9 next class.

The LAST day to hand in corrected or late assignments is on FRIDAY, JUNE 14.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Math 7A & 7G: Worksheet 7.5-7.6 is due on Thursday for those that aren't already handed in. The Unit 7 Test will be on Thursday.

Math 9A & 9B: We began writing the Unit 8 Exam today and will finish it up next class. The Unit 8 Review was due today and if you did not hand it in. you should get it to me by Friday.

The LAST day to hand in corrected or late assignments is on FRIDAY, JUNE 14.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


June 19 - Math Part A Numeracy, then regular classes for periods 3 to 6.

June 20 - ELA Part B

June 24 - Math Part B Problem Solving BRING A CALCULATOR

June 25 - Social 

June 26 - Science

If your After Exam Permission form is signed, you will be allowed to go home to study in the afternoons after your Exam. 

Please bring something quiet to work on after you finish your exam, like a book to read or colouring.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Math 7A: We did notes and practice for 7.5 and 7.6 today.  Pages 287-288 #1-5 is due on Wednesday. There will be a Unit 7 Test on Thursday.

Math 9A: We continued work on the Unit 8 Review, and the review is due on Wednesday. The Unit 8 Test will happen on Wednesday/Thursday.

Math 9B: We continued work on the Unit 8 Review, and the review is due on Wednesday. The Unit 8 Test did not happen today and will happen on Wednesday/Thursday.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday, June 10, 2024

Math 7A: We wrote the 7.1-7.4 Quiz and we will work on 7.5 & 7.6 Probability next class. The Unit 7 Test will be on Tuesday.

Math 7G: We wrote the 7.1-7.4 Quiz today, as well as 7.5 and 7.6.  Pages 287-288 #1-5 is due on Wednesday. There will be a Unit 7 Test on Thursday.

Math 9B: We continued work on the Unit 8 Review. We are planning to have the Unit 8 Test on Tuesday in our second class.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday, June 7, 2024

Math 7A & 7G: Worksheet 7.3-7.4 is due on Monday and the 7.1-7.4 Quiz will be on Monday.

Math 9A: We will continue to work on the Unit 8 Review next class. The Unit 8 Exam will be on Wednesday and Thursday.

Math 9B: We will continue to work on the Unit 8 Review next class. The Unit 8 Exam will be on Wednesday and Thursday.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thursday, May 6, 2024

Math 7A & 7G: Page 273 #1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 due Friday. Unit 7 Mid-Unit Quiz will be on Monday.

Math 9A: Pages 410-412 #3-11, omit #7, 8, and 10 due Friday. The Unit 8 Exam will be on Wednesday and Thursday.

Math 9B: We will finish pages 410-+412 #3-11, omit #7, 8, and 10 on Friday. The Unit 8 Exam will be on Wednesday and Thursday.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Math 7A & 7G: Worksheet 7.1-7.2 was handed in today, then we worked on pages 269-270 #1-6, try 7. Pages 269-270 is due on Thursday.

Math 9A & 9B: The 8.1-8.2 Check-Point is due on Thursday.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Math 7A: Today we talked about parallel and perpendicular lines, then angle bisectors and perpendicular line bisectors. We then began workin...