Thursday, December 7, 2023

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Math 7A & 7G: We began working on the 3.1-3.2 Worksheet today and will continue tomorrow. This worksheet will be due on Monday. The 3.1-3.2 Quiz will be on Tuesday.

Math 9A & 9B: We began working on the Unit 4 Review Worksheet and will continue tomorrow. This will be due on Wednesday. The Unit 4 Exam will be on Wednesday.

The 'Take a Bite out of Hunger' food drive is happening until Dec. 15! If you are able, please bring a non perishable food item or two (or cash) to donate. The homeroom with the most collected at each grade level will get a PIZZA PARTY!!!!

The Grade 9 Winter Activity Day forms are due in PowerSchool on December 15, 2023 at NOON. There will be no extensions.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Math 7A: Today we talked about parallel and perpendicular lines, then angle bisectors and perpendicular line bisectors. We then began workin...